Sunday, January 24, 2010

I have arrived...finally

Dear Internet:

I finally caved. I always do. I was the last of my friends to get a Myspace account, and I had to be dragged kicking and screaming to Facebook. I resisted the iPhone, but finally fell prey to its sleek shape and shiny touchscreen. I swore I would never abandon my paper books with their intoxicating scent and smooth papery feel, but I read my last book on the Kindle. And now I have a blog. I grew up in the age of Information and Technology, so you would think that I would be less resistant to such things. However, while setting up this blog has been much easier for me than it was for my mother (Those of my generation somehow possess the inherent knowledge and ability needed to export photos and copy and paste), change has never come easily to me, and this blog has been no exception.

Regardless of that, here I am. I'm hoping to use this blog as a space to document the pottery projects I'm currently working on, as well as the ways in which I'm planning to pursue my passion for ceramic art in the future. Some of my finished pieces do eventually end up on my etsy site (see it here), but I'm more interested in documenting things like the construction of my raku kiln, the pieces I have in progress, my future plans for apprenticeships, and the pieces that have failed but have taught me something important. This way, those who are interested can read at their leisure, while those who would rather give it a miss don't have to poke themselves in the eyes to stay awake whilst listening to me wax poetic about my new brown stoneware clay speckled with manganese.

If you're reading, thanks for doing so. I welcome your comments, suggestions, and opinionated rants about what I'm doing wrong or what I should be doing differently. While I plan to post something of more substance in the near future, for now I will leave you with a photo of my latest project: a porcelain bowl with circular faceting.